Canal d’ Amour
Canal d’Amour is located in Sidari village which is 36 km, almost 40 minutes away from Corfu town by car.
The village of Sidari is quite known as one of the best tourist resorts in Corfu. The village is surrounded by a charming landscape full of lush green forests. Nearby, to the west is the famous Channel of Love (known as Canal d’ Amour) an idyllic area with unique rock formations that form a series of wonderful coves and canals. The rocks run in different shades of yellow and lots of greenery at the top. One can reach these stunning coves through several paths and steps. With beautiful crystalline waters, the Channel of Love is one of the most unique spots in Corfu. According to the tradition couples who swim through the narrow canal will get married soon. The beach is not recommended when it is windy.
BestCar Corfu car rental proposes the use of Peugeot 208 for this excursion.